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Minggu, 26 Juni 2011

I aint going back, I'm moving forward :)

Shit happens, right? Bahkan waktu kita gak lagi pengen boker hehehehe... But you gotta flush it anyway. Dalam hidup banyak hal terjadi tak seperti yang kita inginkan. Dalam hidup banyak hal tidak berakhir seperti yang kita harapkan. Ia seringkali menjungkirbalikkan kita, ke puncak awan tertinggi, ke dasar jurang terdalam. Ia acapkali mengombang-ambingkan kita, antara banyak pilihan sulit, antara banyak keputusan penting, antara banyak situasi pelik. But in the end, it’s always the best. Always.

Selasa, 21 Juni 2011

after sunrise and before sunset

Those two are a really good movies! For me, this movie is the most romantic movie I've ever watched. The scene, its backsound, its location (europe), their dialogues, everything is such a perfect romantic combination.

I think its not such a cliche drama with happy ending, but its kinda feel like reality. They just can't be together, that's it. They love each other, but fate can't let them to be a couple. It does need more than love to be togeher.and in the end, everything had move, they have their own life. It seems love isn't should be having each other. That's life :)


Kamis, 16 Juni 2011

its true :)

It needs more than love to make a relationship works, even for a common enemy.

Rabu, 01 Juni 2011


Film itu sumber pelajaran yang sangat penting sebenarnya, namun dengan banyak hanya jika. Semua film selalu ada moral yang dapat dipetik, tergantung bagaimana kita menangkap film dan tentu saja film sarat moral bukan film sex dan having fun teenager, walau menurut saya film seperti itu ttp bisa didapat moralnya,hanya saja sangat sedikit mungkin.mnurut saya,film sarat moral ya film-film festival,keluarga,dsb. Film box office dengan efek luar biasa belum tentu banyak moralnya, namun kita bisa belajar mgkn dr segi visual dan efeknya.

Film sangat penuh pelajaran bagi saya pecinta film, apapun itu. Kondisi masyarakat negara tersebut, pemandangan, beautiful dialogue, how they dressed, everything :).so,make sure you love to watch movie. But, do pick a good one :D