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Selasa, 19 Mei 2009

Love comes later

yeah another unimportant,boring post.
anyway i have to do my english final assignment today.i hope i would do my best.

love comes later for Bandung,
at first i moved in to this city,i really hate Bandung,i hate to be separate from my family and friend in jakarta.i hate i have to adaptation with a new life (i'm not good at it),i hate i have to live alone,and so on.
but now,i trully in love with Bandung (except for the strange weather).why?why?:

1.I love the gigs community (every week they always have event,although i couldn't come every week).

2.I love either Bandung so small or i live in the center of Bandung,wherever i go,it just takes a while and a small cost.(my friend's home and my campus are near too)

3.I love i could get unique,old clothes,cd,camera with a really2 cheap price(i love the community too)

4.I love to live alone anyway (i own my privacy so much) ,i eat wherever i want,i sleep whenever it takes,i buy whatever i like.It's so much fun rite?

yeah,still my family and my friends live in jakarta.i think i would move in to Bandung (for sure) when i graduate.

btw,i got a news from my friend who lives in U.S .She will not comin back to indonesia this summer,because she got a job.yeah, i should proud to her.but,it means we don't know when she will comin yet.Anyway, congrats to INEZ HANDAYANI ,gudluck for your job and do your best!!! 

Jumat, 08 Mei 2009

Bad Day (i think)

i just felt another hopeless day,well everybody have ever felt it,when you do/hope something with so much energy and the result is nothing. i don't know,i'm really felt like a bad person, i don't know why,besides i'm not doing something wrong. oh oke just forget it ,this feeling will just away soon.

my friend is in love with a man because he has a good taste of music. it is a funny reason to love someone i think.hahahah,okey,she is serious in love though,But they have different race and religion. yes, its true that my friend just giving in to love him.That's the reality she said. yeah thats too sad ,but it happen everywhere.forget about my friend , just listen to my story.

yah,i'm really sure this is a bad day with a bad weather, bad test, bad traffic, bad score, bad news, blahblahblah.But you should try to listen TILLY AND THE WALL, it did help me increasing my mood.

i assure you if you think this post really s*cks and boring, i thought the same too.hahhaha.i don't know what to share,well i'm not good at sharing something. i just need to write something at least.

ps:i have to try write with english, because i have to practice for my final test which is write an english essay. sorry for my bad english.