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Selasa, 19 Mei 2009

Love comes later

yeah another unimportant,boring post.
anyway i have to do my english final assignment today.i hope i would do my best.

love comes later for Bandung,
at first i moved in to this city,i really hate Bandung,i hate to be separate from my family and friend in jakarta.i hate i have to adaptation with a new life (i'm not good at it),i hate i have to live alone,and so on.
but now,i trully in love with Bandung (except for the strange weather).why?why?:

1.I love the gigs community (every week they always have event,although i couldn't come every week).

2.I love either Bandung so small or i live in the center of Bandung,wherever i go,it just takes a while and a small cost.(my friend's home and my campus are near too)

3.I love i could get unique,old clothes,cd,camera with a really2 cheap price(i love the community too)

4.I love to live alone anyway (i own my privacy so much) ,i eat wherever i want,i sleep whenever it takes,i buy whatever i like.It's so much fun rite?

yeah,still my family and my friends live in jakarta.i think i would move in to Bandung (for sure) when i graduate.

btw,i got a news from my friend who lives in U.S .She will not comin back to indonesia this summer,because she got a job.yeah, i should proud to her.but,it means we don't know when she will comin yet.Anyway, congrats to INEZ HANDAYANI ,gudluck for your job and do your best!!! 

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