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Kamis, 24 Mei 2012

How Education Matters Since We Were Kids

This Friday morn , I played Futsal at the HMF homecoming event with my collegian mates. We played at the open field that could be watched by people that just passing by or jogging around. So, There were some primary school student that was watching our plays. They were screaming around and saying some impolite and appropriate words. Some of them also trying to imitate how "the true Chinese" actually speaking, the accent, when the Chinese players came closer.

What I've been always thinking about, when I saw those impolite kids, I don't want my children act like them, I don't want my children to be that narrow-minded, but how?
Okay, I believe everything could be done by educating. If you did something wrong, you need understanding. Through education, you can be what you want if you really mean it, a millionaire, a professor, a doctor , and so forth.

Okay, maybe their parents are just too careless thinking about they should teach their children how to behave and not saying some appropriate words. Actually, I knew they're from low-middle class environment, and maybe their parents're just too busy thinking about how they can get a food, and so on. But, we can just tolerate it and say "It's okay, They're just a kids." I mean, No! Stop being too tolerable. It's something that we need to realize to teach the best values to our kids. I want to teach them that it's very okay to be different, and it's good if they can accept how the differences complete us all.

My kids should have an open mind, high tolerability with people or religions that different from them, they shouldn't see anyone based on their race, colors, religions.

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